08-07-2010 | Americas

Haiti - Red Cross Response - 6 Month Anniversary


Type: b-roll TOTAL TIME: 05'24"
Haiti Earthquake: 6 months anniversary

Red Cross Operational Hub - Base camp Port au Prince,

The Red Cross Red Crescent's operation in Haiti is its largest ever single-country response and the first in which most of the affected people live in a densely populated city. As well as emergency shelter, the Red Cross Red Crescent has provided sanitation, health care, vaccinations, family reunification services, and psychosocial support to around 400,000 people. The hub of the operation is at base camp, near the airport in Port au Prince, where the IFRC coordinates the response to the quake in cooperation with the Haitian National Red Cross Society and partner National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from around the world. Hundreds of Haitian Red Cross leaders, staff and volunteers, who are trusted and accepted in their communities, have helped representatives from more than thirty National Societies bring essential aid to people in Haiti.


 Title Card
 00:10  Top shot of base camp.
 00:21  Set up with head of delegation, IFRC, Marcel Fortier
 00:33  Interview Marcel Fortier in English.
I think the Red Cross Red Crescent we are making quite a big difference. We have been in the operation from the first day mainly with the volunteers and staff of the Haitian Red Cross. We have covered so far 40 percent of the basic humanitarian needs, water, medical assistance, clinic, hospital, basic relief supplies and sheltering. We are today one of the major actors in the first 6 months of this operation and we will continue to do so for the months and years to come.
 01:13  Top shot of base camp
Interview Marcel Fortier in English
One of the big challenge will be for the RC to maintain this momentum and to give basic humanitarian support. This is clean water, basic medical care and to continue to look at their sheltering. We are addressing the long term programming of this operation and we are now planning for the next 7 to 10 years ahead with recovery and rehabilitation programming.
 01:55  Volunteers, cars and general GVs at base camp.
 Spanish Red Cross office. Spanish delegates working with Haitians.
 02:49 Briefing for Haitian drivers.
 Set up with head of delegation, IFRC Marcel Fortier and President of the Haitian Red Cross, Madame Gédéon in her office.
 03:27 Interview in French with President of Haitian Red Cross
The volunteers are often also victims of the same natural disasters that affect our people. Therefore there is this personal satisfaction of being at the service of others and being able to improve the quality of their lives. Les volontaires sont souvent toutefois eux mêmes victimes des mêmes désastres naturelles qui affectent nos populations. Donc cette satisfaction personnelle d’être au service de l’autre et de pouvoir améliorer la qualité de vie de l’autre.
 03:46  Interview in French with President of Haitian Red Cross
We must quickly respond to the challenges brought about by the hurricane season, and start to construct (progressive ?) and transitional shelters so that we can help people out of the precarious situation they find themselves in. Nous devons rapidement, pour parer aux défis qu’amène la saison des ouragans, procéder à l’implantation des logements progressifs et logements transitionnels de manière à sortir les gens de cette situation de précarité. »
 04:09  Interview in French with President of Haitian Red Cross
It will take time to reconstruct the countries physical infrastructure and rebuild people’s lives but there is hope because Haitians are fighters, can live on very little and really believe in life. Cela va prendre du temps pour reconstruire le pays au point de vu infrastructure physique au point de vue du tissu humain à refaire, mais il y a de l’espoir parce que le peuple haïtien est un peuple qui sait se battre, qui sait vivre de petites choses, mais qui sait prendre la décision de croire en la vie. »
 Set up of IFRC Head of Operations, Stephen McAndrew in team leaders meeting at base camp
 05:02  Interview with Stephen McAndrew head of operations : At this moment we are working on 3 fronts in the red cross. We have our ongoing emergency response operations and they are continuing at full speed ahead and actually expanding. We are also looking at the impending hurricane season which is now upon us so we are able to extract some resources and reconfigure our operation to prepare for our response that we know we will be facing in the coming months and on the third front we are looking at recovery so we are starting now cash programmes and work programmes to help people get back on their feet so they can recover their lives.
 05:34  END


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