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08-04-2015 | Latest News , Africa

Ongoing Ebola work and content - 3 Videos


Video 1 - Educating communities about Ebola in Sierra Leone through door-to-door engagement

Magdalene Kanu is a social mobilization volunteer with the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society in Freetown. She has kept a diary of her work and explains how Ebola has impacted her daily life. Alongside more than 400 volunteers, she goes door-to-door in communities, meets cultural and social leaders, and speaks to the public about what Ebola is and its prevention. The volunteers, like Magdalene, come from their communities and are recognized, trusted and respected voices which is essential in engaging people to change their behaviour and practices. Through the support of donors like ECHO, the Red Cross is able to combat disinformation, eliminate myths and provide clear and accessible information to communities.


Video 2 - Overcoming fear in Ebola-affected communities 

One year since the confirmed Ebola outbreak in Guinea, a lot of fear and stigma remain in communities affected by the disease. Some communities prevent responders from entering, mistakenly believing they are responsible for spreading the virus. Volunteers with the Red Cross Society of Guinea have experienced this resistance, but through continued engagement, barriers are slowly being broken down.


Video 3 - One year on in Liberia

In March 2014, the Ebola outbreak in Guinea crossed the border into neighbouring Liberia. Since then, the Liberia National Red Cross Society and its strong volunteer base has been a key partner in response efforts, raising awareness of Ebola in communities, providing psychosocial support, tracing and monitoring those who may have come into contact with an infected person, and burying bodies safely and with dignity.

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